Urban Spin

+1 917 6 7777 45
Endless interactive fun

How does it work?
This interactive game installation provides endless fun. Generate your own energy first by spinning the wheel, then choose from the different games. The combinations of light and sound effects give you the ultimate gaming sensation!
The UrbanSpin comes with four different interactive games. Memory, RunTime, Calculation Quiz and the Urban Dance.
After generating electricity you can play the different games by stepping on the interactive tiles.

Updatable games!
The games of the Urban Spin are easily updatable. Just open the lid with the special key and insert the USB stick (disc-on-key) with the new games and you're ready to go! This way this installation never becomes dull!
Also available with Math games
Are you looking for an installation to offer math and calculation practice to your students? Contact us and ask about our special STEM games!
Technical data
Audience: 8+
Certification: EN1176
Height: 870 mm
Weight Spin Wheel: 50 kg
Weight tiles: 5.5 kg per tile (x 8 tiles)
User friendly: √
Registration use: √
Human powered: √
Audiovisual: √
Time clock: optional
