Electra Lab

+1 917 6 7777 45
The outdoor electronics 'snap circuit' installation!

How does it work?
The Electra Lab is essentially one of these well known 'Electronic Snap Circuits' kits children experiment with at home, but then in a much larger version and meant for outdoors!
Electronic components poles
The Electra Lab consists of 10-30 columns, which are permanently anchored to the ground. Each column is one electric component; a power generator (dynamo), a light, a buzzer, a switch, a transistor, a magnetic spool, a fan etc.
Children can create circuits by connecting different columns using cables which are on one end permanently fixed to one of the columns and on the other end fixed with a plug, which can be inserted into another column. Electra Lab can give spoken explanation about the different experiments. Electra Lab is 100% save because all the electricity is low voltage and generated by the users.
These are some of the available columns:
- Power Generator.
- Light
- Microphone
- Speaker
- Dr.Bibber ('Nerve Game')
- Switch
- Magnetic Spool (use your own smartphone!)
- Dimmer / Resistor
- Fan / Motor
- Speaker
- IR Sensor
- Buzzer
The Electra Lab is the ideal installation for outdoor electronics education, for any school and science center!

Electra Lab - quick facts
- The installation is 100% weather resistant, including rain, snow and ice.
- The poles are permanently anchored to the ground using plain concrete.
- The cables are made from very strong, thick and stiff cables (with a thin low-voltage electrical wire kernel). It is not possible to cut or tear these cables without professional instruments. No danger of strangling.
- When the user activates the installation the audio explanation is automatically activated. Optional the explanation can be offered in different languages.
- All material used are common used materials and are non-toxic. Coatings are only standard Polyurethane powder coatings. Fasteners can have a electrolytic galvanizing or stainless steel surface.
- All product are produced in our Dutch factory according to Dutch (safety) standards. Eduplaying ensures that all product are made according to given specifications.

The Electra Lab can serve a large number of users at the same time; it is interesting for all ages and it can fill a smaller or larger area. The presence of an instructor is not necessary. The columns within this installation are resistant against any weather; no need to cover poles up when it rains or snows. The installation is highly vandalism resistant, including the cables. The different columns of the Electra Lab are based on our existing, proven interactive playground columns which are modified for this installation.
Technical data
Audience: 3+
Certification: NEN EN1176-1:2008
Maximum voltage: 18 V
Maximum current: 0.5 A
Maximum power: 9 W
Power Rating speaker (RMS) 20 W
Output sensitivity speaker 85 dB
IP rating electronics: IP66 Waterproof
User friendly: √
UV resistant: √
Electrical safety
The power generated by the internal generator can never exceed 18 Volts. The consumed current will never exceed 0,5 Ampere, making the total power no more than 9 watts. Thus the electricity generated cannot be harmful for humans or animals. There are no(rechargeable) batteries inside; the needed electricity cache is temporarily kept through the use of capacitors.
Audio: The maximum sound pressure of the loudspeaker is 85 decibel. This is an save sound pressure and cannot cause damage.