Eduplaying is very happy with the subsidy of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport for our factory Playnetic together with its partner Nijha. The Euro 180.000 subsidy will be used to develop four ‘human powered’ installations for elderly people in nursing homes and care institutions. The new interactive installations will stimulate activity for elderly people and encourage physical and cognitive exercise.
The subsidy is granted within the so called SBIR program. From many applicants Nijha together with Playnetic, was chosen as one of the four companies to get this subsidy.
The subsidy will give an extra impulse to our product development for elderly people and people with special needs. The ‘human powered’ element of the new installations gives a double stimulation to the users: first, movement is needed to generate the necessary electricity and activate the installations, then, using sounds and lights, users are stimulated to move playing the different games. In addition, the new installations will also offer brain exercise.
The coming months will be used to develop the different ideas into real products. If you are interested in installations for elderly and people with special needs you can contact Miriam Levy through our contact form.