Play Planetarium & interactive STEM installations for the Midland School in Michigan


School STEM Playground

Play Planetarium and other interactive STEM installations for the Midland Central Park Elementary School, Michigan, US. MPS is committed to continuing their standards of Excellence into 21st Century learning initiatives and Eduplaying is proud to be part of this innovative project!

Midland Public Schools recognizes the need in the community and for its students to
have access to quality STEM learning opportunities throughout their K-12 learning experience. STEM education shapes the innovators, creators and designers of today and tomorrow. In February 2015 the bond by MPS voters decided to update and innovate the existing facilities.

These are a few of the measurable outcomes for the students MPS expects as a result of the
implementation of the MPS STEM Strategic Plan:

– Increase student interest in STEM subjects
– Improve performance on math and science assessments
– Increase enrollment in advanced science and mathematics courses
– Increase enrollment in STEM-related CTE (Career Technical Education) courses
– Increase college/post-secondary enrollment rates
– Increase enrollment in post-secondary STEM majors

The architect of the project, Suzanne Carlson from FRENCH associates, developed a special concept to use the outdoor spaces as an integral part of the educational STEM experience. Eduplaying is proud to be part of this innovative project and will supply different interactive outdoor STEM installations, like our Play Planetarium.

About the author 

Naftalie Hershler

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